Invest with knowledge & safety.
Every investor should be able to invest in right investment products based on their needs, manage and monitor them to meet their goals, access reports and enjoy financial wellness.
• To publish research report based on the research activities of the RA.
• To provide an independent unbiased view on securities.
• To offer unbiased recommendation, disclosing the financial interests in recommended securities.
• To provide research recommendation, based on analysis of publicly available information and known observations.
• To conduct audit annually.
• Onboarding of Clients
• Disclosure to Clients
o To distribute research reports and recommendations to the clients without discrimination.
o To maintain confidentiality w.r.t publication of the research report until made available in the public domain.
In case of any grievance / complaint, an investor should approach the concerned research analyst and shall ensure that the grievance is resolved within 30 days.
If the investor’s complaint is not redressed satisfactorily, one may lodge a complaint with SEBI on SEBI’s SCORES portal which is a centralized web-based complaints
redressal system. SEBI takes up the complaints registered via SCORES with the concerned intermediary for timely redressal.
SCORES facilitates tracking the status of the complaint.
With regard to physical complaints, investors may send their complaints to: Office of Investor Assistance and Education, Securities and Exchange Board of India, SEBI Bhavan. Plot No. C4-A, ‘G’ Block, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai - 400 051.
i. Always deal with SEBI registered Research Analyst.
ii. Ensure that the Research Analyst has a valid registration certificate.
iii. Check for SEBI registration number.
iv. Please refer to the list of all SEBI registered Research Analysts which is available on SEBI website in the following link:
v. Always pay attention towards disclosures made in the research reports before investing.
vi. Pay your Research Analyst through banking channels only and maintain duly signed receipts mentioning the details of your payments.
vii. Before buying securities or applying in public offer, check for the research recommendation provided by your research Analyst.
viii. Ask all relevant questions and clear your doubts with your Research Analyst before acting on the recommendation.
ix. Inform SEBI about Research Analyst offering assured or guaranteed returns.
I. Do not provide funds for investment to the Research Analyst.
II. Don’t fall prey to luring advertisements or market rumours.
III. Do not get attracted to limited period discount or other incentive, gifts, etc. offered by Research Analyst.
IV. Do not share login credentials and password of your trading and demat accounts with the Research Analyst.
Market capitalization, commonly called market cap, is the market value of a publicly traded company’s outstanding shares. Market capitalization is equal to the share price multiplied by the number of shares outstanding. Since outstanding stock is bought and sold in public markets, capitalization could be used as an indicator of public opinion of a company’s net worth and is a determining factor in some forms of stock valuation.
Market capitalization is used by the investment community in ranking the size of companies, as opposed to sales or total asset figures. It is also used in ranking the relative size of stock exchanges, being a measure of the sum of the market capitalization of all companies listed on each stock exchange. In performing such rankings, the market capitalization are calculated at some significant date, such as June 30 or December 31.
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